S1D 4RT M3TA  is the founder and creator of Surya Sound Temple, Art of Tabla, Khartal, Electrobones & Speedbag Drummer located in Bushwick, NYC.  Art of Tabla & Khartal are dedicated to teaching, performing and popularizing tabla and khartal to a world-wide audience.  Sid’s invention “Electrobones” is a hybrid percussion instrument which fuses hardwoods and sensor technology to create a multi-timbral drumming experience. Sid is the creator of “Flakeb00k” a parody art brand birthed as a consequence to the depreciation, over-commercialization and demoralization of human society.  Some of Sid’s latest projects include Poop Fruit, Sound Cybernetics, Skate Drum, Surya Clothing & Roaming TEK.